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Two Rivers Primary and Two Rivers High are two schools on two separate sites. Both Schools are based in Tamworth and serve the local community.  The Schools are part of the Endeavour Multi Academy Trust.  Endeavour MAT

The schools work closely together to provide a thought through and progressive approach in special education from aged 2 to 19 years.  Learners join us at different points along their academic journey. 

The schools share a joint local governing board which is split into a curriculum and learning committee and a Logistics committee.  You can access more information regarding how these committees work by visiting the following links.  

Two Rivers Primary Governors page.

Two Rivers High Governors page.

If you are interested in becoming a school Governor please contact

To find out more about our schools please click the links below.  Two Rivers Primary and EYFS if your child is aged between 2 – 11 years, and Two Rivers High if you child is aged between 11- 19.  Joint policies will be displayed on this page and school specific policies can be found on the primary and high school link pages. 

Laura Slinn and Gail Brindley



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