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The aims of play and planned play within the setting are to:

  • encourage the development of each individual child's skills through all areas of the curriculum.
  • develop self-help skills and independence wherever possible, for example separating from parents, feeding, dressing and making choices.
  • stimulate and motivate children to explore, enquire and problem solve.
  • build self-esteem through achieving new and harder tasks.
  • develop social skills and peer relations.

On arrival children are welcomed in the main play area where many activities are available. This includes the home corner, book corner, construction, mark making, puzzles, small world and floor play. The day begins with a group welcome activity followed by child initi­ated and adult led activities. Creative activities offer dough, paint, mark making, collage, water play etcetera, with resources available every day indoors and outside. We provide a free flow environment to allow children the opportunity to explore indoor and outdoor learning environments. We provide sensory development opportunities through the music therapist, sensory curriculum, sensory room and OMI room.


The children are at the centre of everything we do and observations form the core part of our assessments and daily practice. Observations are made during both adult led and child choice activities and identify strengths and areas for development. Outcomes of ob­servations inform future learning opportunities by identifying the next steps to move learning forward supporting targets set on your child's Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).