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Curriculum Overview Documents

 Our school’s curriculum at Two Rivers Primary School is underpinned by our ethos of educating children in the knowledge, skills and understanding that will enable them to lead fulfilling lives and be as independent as possible. It is dedicated to meeting the needs of the individual child.

Our philosophy incorporates flexibility in order that children can access a variety of experiences throughout their time with us. Our curriculum is devised so that pupils follow a pathway that will have the most effective impact on their individual development.

Child centred learning encompasses opportunities for pupils to learn and develop their confidence and skills through a broad, balanced, adapted and creative curriculum.

Practical lessons and interactive learning are highly valued and educational visits are a common feature within the school. Through our curriculum we strive to ensure every child has a sense of self-worth and have some understanding of responsibility, self-discipline and an aspiration to employment.  You will find on each of our curriculum pages, the careers mat – that the school community have compiled in joined working to help promote aspirational life opportunities for our learners.

We have high expectations and set aspirational targets that inspire pupils. Our bespoke SOLAR Assessment Programme monitors pupil progress and ensures it continues to be relevant to the individual need.

Please look at the attached documents to see a sequenced overview of our planned learning curriculum.  You will also be able to look at our key vocabulary and assessment overview.  These documents are used to plan for individualised learning approaches in line with each child’s EHCP.