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Curriculum Statement

Two Rivers High School

Forest school Curriculum Statement


At Two Rivers High school the Forest school follows the six key principles of the Forest school Ethos where the Forest School sessions provide students with the opportunity to explore and experience the natural world through hands on practical activities outdoors, which will in return help promote confidence, independence, and self-esteem. By using resources available in woodland areas and promoting student’s interests we aim to stimulate further imagination, creativity, and enquiry skills as well as promoting independence to explore safely. This therapeutic, child centered/led approach facilitates more than knowledge gathering, it helps learners develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and intellectually.

Explorers follow a Rota of half yearly swap for Forest school experiencing two seasons, if possible, the second year attending the sessions in the opposite seasons to the first year. The second year for those who have already attended enables those students to develop their skills further using their confidence to support new students and lead part of the sessions if possible.

The Forest school session is structured in a way to enable students to access and develop:

New information

Risks and benefits


Seasonal changes

Flora and Fauna


Bushcraft Skills

Independent exploring




Progression over the two years will be solely based on the process of the Child’s independent choices with Forest school being Child led they can choose if they wish to take part in any skills/activities that are being offered each child will be encouraged but never made to take part.

Part of the Equal's curriculum is also accessed through the student's time at Forest school.

The skills being offered are:

Risk management

Safety procedures

Flora and Fauna identification

Den building/structures

Tool Use

Knot tying

Starting fires/cooking

English-speaking and listening, descriptive Language, poems,

Maths- counting, shapes, measurement

Science- seasonal changes, habitats, lifecycles, weather,

Art and DT- use tools to make Toasting forks, wood cookies, willow weaving, knot tying,

Sculptures, land nature art, photography, drawing

PSHE- Nature connection, respect rules, creating spaces, sensory experience, reflection.

British Values: Democracy, Mutual respect and Individual Liberty.