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Curriculum Statement

           Two Rivers High School

History Curriculum Statement



Our vision at Two Rivers High School follows an ‘enquiry based creative curriculum’ whereby the key/basic skills needed to make progress in each subject are embedded within a range of themed studies. Each class explores a variety of engaging studies over the course of a year. We plan our curriculum on a two-year rotation. Each class will have one lesson a week on their timetable.


The subject encompasses all aspects of communication – non-verbal, verbal, and written work in history promotes learning across the curriculum and underpins pupils’ achievements and participation in all aspects of their lives. History at Two Rivers High School offers pupils with difficulties opportunities to:

• to develop the ability and confidence to respond, to listen and to understand.
• to interact and communicate effectively with others in a range of social
• to make choices, obtain information, question, reflect and be actively involved
   in decision making and problem solving.
• to show initiative and think about the ways in which they learn.
• to develop creatively, imaginatively, and emotionally.
• to have access to a wide range of literature from a range of cultures to enrich
   and broaden their experiences.
• to develop and grow academically by improving their reading and writing ability.
• to have opportunities to enhance ICT skills.