- This is a way of collecting observations and information about each child.
It helps us to understand what your child can do and show us what they are interested in. It helps us support the care, learning and development of your child and you can to see it at any time. - We hope you will add to these notes. Please share with us anything your child does at home that you would like us to know about.
- We take photographs as part of our observations and it may be possible that your child is included in a photograph of an observation of another child.
- is a secure online learning journal that can only be accessed by logging into our web address. We will give parents an individual account and password. This login will give you permission to see only your own child's journal.
- Once you’ve logged in you will be able to see all entries for your child and you can comment on new entries and even add your own
- We are looking forward to sharing your child’s time at nursery with you in this way and to being able to involve more parents. Through Tapestry parents and carers who are not able to visit the nursery can still be involved in the child’s learning
Tapestry can be found at www.eylj.org
If you have an iPhone or iPad, visit the iTunes store and download the Tapestry app (search for Tapestry Mobile).
If you have an Android device, Google a search for Tapestry Mobile. It has that same logo as above.
You also have the option to receive an email whenever a new observation is added to your child’s Learning Tapestry – just tick or untick the relevant box if you would like to change this setting.
Once logged in, you will see your child’s observations on your home screen in a list – selecting any one of these will open up the observation for you to look at. You may add comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to - and we would love to receive such comments!
Adding an entry to your child’s Learning Tapestry
- Choose the ‘Add Observation’ option (or the 'plus' icon on your iPhone/iPad/tablet)
- Add the relevant information in the boxes onscreen.
Photos and videos may be uploaded by choosing the ‘add media’ option. When you have saved your observation, you may go back to the home screen at any time by choosing ‘home’.
Find out more about Tapestry, at:http://eyfs.info/tapestry-info/introduction